Machine catalog:
View all our standard products and information about them.
Special-purpose machines:
Referring to any non-standard machine, special-purpose machines are developed for customers according to their needs.
Automatic feeders:
Feeders automatically distribute parts to a machine to allow it to become autonomous.
Protection & safety:
The new standards stipulate that all industries should have streamlined and safe machines.
If you have a tight budget, it is often possible to retrofit your old machine to bring it up-to-date!

Machine protection and safety

Safety and accident prevention have been important industry issues for some years now.
Today we can no longer let machines run in workshops without safeguards and safety components that meet the latest standards.

- machine cowling
- fenced-in areas
- locks and non-disconnectable unlocking systems
- safety light curtains
- doubling of sensors
- adapted signage
- emergency stop
- lockable switches

These are some key points that cannot be bypassed or ignored.

We offer you solutions suited to your environment and setup which meet the latest "machine regulations" requirements.
In addition, we take productivity into account, offering easy and practical solutions to users in order to reduce handling and intervention times.

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Design office :
- Mecanical engineering
- Automation
Machine manufacture :
- Machine catalog
- Special-purpose machine
- Feeder for machine
- Machine protection & safety
- Machine retrofitting
Maintenance :
- Building
- Industrial mechanics

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